Chelsea flower show
This week is Chelsea Flower Show week. It is the most famous and prestigious garden design show in the world where the best (competitive*) designers hope to get recognition and a coveted gold award. It does throw out a few controversies every year (cost of a show garden both financial and environmental; who should or should not have got a gold; what is gardening and garden shows about? what were the judges thinking?) which are valid points, but it is still worth seeing for inspiration. There is a huge amount of media coverage devoted to the show over the week but go if you can.
Alternatively, there are loads of other garden shows over the spring/summer season to get inspiration from not just the big RHS shows. There are also many local shows and these are likely to have designers showing their capabilities on a smaller scale and budget which may seem more achievable. Also, local shows are more likely to showcase plants that both grow locally and together at the same time – bear in mind with the big shows (Chelsea especially) some of the plants will have been ‘held back’ or ‘brought forward’ for the effect that the designer wants, but they wouldn’t normally flower at the same time. It’s a show – great for theatre, ideas, colour, texture, materials and fun, but ephemeral and conceptual.
As for the judging! There is no 1st, 2nd, 3rd; instead, they have gold, silver-gilt, silver and bronze. Each garden is judged against certain criteria and awarded (or not) a point for each, these are totted up and the total points dictates the award that a garden receives. So, no one is in competition with anyone else and I’m told this makes for a good and friendly (though very stressful) build up to the week – people help each other out, give ideas, chat, and root for each other – and celebrate at the end. I think that’s a good thing that comes out of the process and is generally what I’ve found about the garden design profession.
* not all designers are competitive but are still very good at what they do even if they don’t have a Chelsea award to show for it!