Apple blossom

The last of the apple blossom. There has been loads of fruit tree blossom this year, so hopefully loads of fruit later in the in the summer and autumn. Yay!  

We grow apples, pears, quince, damsons, raspberries, gooseberries, loganberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, blackcurrants, strawberries, grapes, figs and blueberries and tayberries are new additions this year, so I’m looking forward to lots of fresh, organic fruit, fruit smoothies and crumbles.  

If the kids disappear over the summer, I can generally find them stuffing their faces with fruit which is exactly what I used to do as a kid. I’d hide under a gooseberry bush as soon as I got home from school and mull the day over while demolishing the fruit. 

We’ve already started the new year’s crumbles with rhubarb. I add over ripe bananas to rhubarb and gooseberry crumbles to reduce the amount of sugar I add (though I usually use maple syrup instead of sugar) and so that the bananas don’t go to waste – double brownie points 😁 

Fruit are really easy to grow, don’t require much maintenance and provide lots of fruit for you and the wildlife. If you choose carefully, they don’t have to take up much space either, even apples and pears can be grown in a small garden.