St. David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire, this summer. I love the architecture of cathedrals and churches, their calm space and stately, solid presence in the landscape connecting us to the hundreds of years of community past.
There’s are lot of simplicity in the overall structure of the cathedral, but when you actually stop and study it, there is a lot of detail and so elegantly put together and expertly carved. I usually think of the community of craftsmen, artisans, labourers, builders, carpenters, glaziers and the hundreds of ‘off-stage’ support that they had. It amazes me how they did it – the precision is immense and so was the project, all without the use of machines.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and if you visit a church, cathedral or any other old buildings, stop and think of those who built it; enjoy and admire their skills and vision they had that’s lasted so long and physically connects us with them.