Spring planting

Here’s a lovely planting combination for spring – not my design! I’m always looking for simple and striking planting combinations and this one’s a winner: mini tulips (probably T. Bakeri Lilac Wonder) with grape hyacinth (probably Muscari armeniacum). This was at the National Trusts Newark Park near Gloucester, last year.


The pink of the tulips pings off the purple of the hyacinth – a very cheerful greeting on a sunny spring day. It looks like there is some prostrate rosemary at the front of the bed too and as this is a raised bed this will drape over the edge creating its own fabulous display later – it’ll also give off a lovely smell when baked by the sun or someone sits on it while leaning against the wall.


Spring bulbs need to be planted in the previous autumn, so get out and about now for inspiration and order them in time for autumn delivery and planting – then appreciate them and the early pollinators that they’ll attract next spring.