Design guide: Sheltered, shady corner
The vast acreage of the Upton House gardens (National Trust) may be difficult to replicate but there are plenty of design ideas that can inspire and be used on a much smaller scale. This is a quiet, shady corner on a little path feels quite enclosed and hidden.
Sinking a small pond in a shady corner with deep planting of dark, drapey grasses and ferns around it, will make the pond appear bigger and create a lush space. Encourage some wall climbing plants but to stop it looking dark and oppressive don’t let them completely take over the whole wall – leave interesting details showing. Here I would probably put a comfy garden chair and a small table with an almost hidden narrow path to it – only enough space for one person!
The monochromatic planting adds to the serenity of the space. Green is a calming colour and using different shades of green and different leaf shapes, sizes and plant forms adds interest and emphasises the walls and pond. White is very good at drawing attention to other colours and make them shine even more.
Upton’s shady corner design guide:
1. sunken pond
2. lush, dark, green planting of different leaf size, shape and form
3. plant drapey plants on higher level than pond
4. accents of white
5. some climbers but don’t smother a wall/fence
6. one chair
7. hidden path