Hoverflies like daisies
A very dapper looking hoverfly – dressed to match his/her lunch! There are lots of different species of hoverfly (over 300 in the UK) and this one is a member of the Syrphini tribe – I didn’t know there was a category called ‘tribe’ in the classification tree.
Anyway, their markings mimic bees, or more accurately wasps, in the hope that other creatures will assume they’ll sting and stay away. They don’t sting, they’re completely harmless to us, but the larvae of most species are insectivores and like eating aphids, thrips and plant-sucking insects – so we need them in our gardens. They are fascinating to watch too, very meditative.
Some are predatory and hunt down aphids following chemical senses and touch. Once they’ve found them, they’re brutal diners – they pierce the aphid with tiny hooks on their mouths and suck out their juicy insides…while the aphid is still alive!! Now there’s a disgusting fact to impress your favourite seven-year-old child!
Enjoy your lunch!